addAliases(String[]) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.Handler
Adds aliases for the option handled by this handler.
addAliases(String) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.Handler
Adds aliases for the option handled by this handler, in comma-separated format.
addAliases(String, String) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Adds aliases for a given option.
addAliases(String) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Add aliases to the last accessed option
aliases - Variable in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.Handler
The aliases for the option


BaseCommand - class org.sadun.util.BaseCommand.
A base class for command-line based tools using CmdLineOptions.
BaseCommand(String) - Constructor for class org.sadun.util.BaseCommand
Create an instance with the given tool description.
BaseCommand() - Constructor for class org.sadun.util.BaseCommand
Create an instance with the no tool description.


CmdLineOptions - class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.
A class to handle command line options.
CmdLineOptions(boolean, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Build an handler which recognizes options with the given prefix and specifies whether to allow or no the negation of options(by using +/- after the option itself).
CmdLineOptions(String, boolean, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Build an handler with the given usage description, which recognizes options with the given prefix and specifies whether to allow or no the negation of options(by using +/- after the option itself).
CmdLineOptions(boolean, String) - Constructor for class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Build an handler which recognizes options with the given prefix, specifies whether to allow or no the negation of options(by using +/- after the option itself), and fails if an option is not recognized.
CmdLineOptions(String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Build an handler which recognizes options with the given prefix, specifies whether to allow or no the negation of options(by using +/- after the option itself), and fails if an option is not recognized.
CmdLineOptions(String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Build an handler which recognizes options with the "-" prefix, specifies whether to allow or no the negation of options(by using +/- after the option itself), and fails if an option is not recognized.
CmdLineOptions(String) - Constructor for class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Build an handler which recognizes options with the "-" prefix, allows only plain options, and fails if an option is not recognized.
CmdLineOptions(boolean) - Constructor for class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Build an handler which recognizes options with the "-" prefix, specifies whether to allow or no the negation of options(by using +/- after the option itself), and fails if an option is not recognized.
CmdLineOptions() - Constructor for class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Build an handler which recognizes options with the "-" prefix, allows only plain options, and fails if an option is not recognized.
CmdLineOptions.ChainedHandler - class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.ChainedHandler.
A chained handler: executes two handlers one after the other.
CmdLineOptions.ChainedHandler(CmdLineOptions.Handler, CmdLineOptions.Handler) - Constructor for class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.ChainedHandler
Build an handlers which chains the two given ones.
CmdLineOptions.DefaultsStreamParser - interface org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.DefaultsStreamParser.
Objects implementing this interface translate an input stream into a map of default values per options for the CmdLineOptions#useDefaultStream(InputStream, DefaultsStreamParser) method of CmdLineOptions.
CmdLineOptions.Handler - class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.Handler.
This class handles an option and can be subclassed to define the reaction to the discovery of an option.
CmdLineOptions.Handler(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.Handler
Build an handler which recognizes the given option literal, the given aliases, the given description and the given priority.
CmdLineOptions.Handler(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.Handler
Build an handler which recognizes the given option literal, the given aliases and the given description (at zero priority).
CmdLineOptions.Handler(String, String) - Constructor for class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.Handler
Build an handler which recognizes the given option literal (at zero priority).
CmdLineOptions.Handler(String) - Constructor for class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.Handler
Build an handler which recognizes the given option literal (at zero priority).
CmdLineOptions.Handler.ParamSet - class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.Handler.ParamSet.
A set of parmeters for an option
CmdLineOptions.OptionException - exception org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.OptionException.
A base class for options-related exceptions.
CmdLineOptions.OptionException(String) - Constructor for class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.OptionException
CmdLineOptions.PropertiesFileParser - class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.PropertiesFileParser.
A CmdLineOptions.DefaultsStreamParser which interprets the stream as coming from a Properties file.
CmdLineOptions.PropertiesFileParser() - Constructor for class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.PropertiesFileParser
CmdLineOptions.Resources - class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.Resources.
String resources for OptionException messages.
CmdLineOptions.Resources() - Constructor for class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.Resources
co - Variable in class org.sadun.util.BaseCommand
The CmdLineOptions object, initialized at construction.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.Handler


description - Variable in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.Handler
The description for the option


getAliases() - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.Handler
Return the array of aliases for this handler.
getContents() - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.Resources
Overrides ListResourceBundle method.
getDescription() - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.ChainedHandler
Returns the description as provided by the first of the two chained handlers.
getDescription() - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.Handler
Return a description for the handled option - which is included in the usage() string.
getDescription(String) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Retrieve the description for a given option.
getHelpOption() - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Return the current help option See setHelpOption() or null if no help option is set.
getMessage() - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.OptionException
getPriority() - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.Handler
Return the priority of the handler.


hasNext() - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.Handler.ParamSet
Return true if there is a next parameter.
hasOption(String, String[]) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Return the set of parameters of the given option.


isFailOnMixedHelpOptionEncountered() - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Return the value for the 'failOnMixedHelpOptionEncountered' flag.
isFailOnUnrecognizedOption() - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Return the failOnUnrecognizedOption.
isHelpRequested() - Method in class org.sadun.util.BaseCommand
Return whether or not the user has specified the help option
isMandatory(String) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Returns the mandatory state of the given option.
isPrintUsageOnException() - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
isSortUsageOnPriority() - Static method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Return whether or not options are sorted also considering priority (besides alphabetical order) when CmdLineOptions.usage() is called.


main0(String[]) - Method in class org.sadun.util.BaseCommand
Can be invoked from the subclass static main(String args[]) method to automatically handle user errors.


next() - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.Handler.ParamSet
Return the next parameter.


option(String, CmdLineOptions.Handler.ParamSet, boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.ChainedHandler
Executes the two chained handlers one after the other.
option - Variable in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.Handler
The option literal
option(String, CmdLineOptions.Handler.ParamSet, boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.Handler
This method must be overridden by an implementation to define the behaviour of the handler when an option is found.
org.sadun.util - package org.sadun.util


parse(String[]) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Parse the cmdline arguments (usually received by main) looking for the options managed by the handler.
parse(String[], String) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Parses the cmdline arguments (usually received by main) looking for the options managed by the handler.
postParse() - Method in class org.sadun.util.BaseCommand
This method is invoked by BaseCommand.main0(String[]) after the options are parsed, but before the command is run.
preParse() - Method in class org.sadun.util.BaseCommand
Invoked after construction, but before parsing.
priority - Variable in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.Handler
The priority of the option


readDefaults(InputStream) - Method in interface org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.DefaultsStreamParser
Read the default values for options from the given stream and place them into
readDefaults(InputStream) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.PropertiesFileParser
Initialize a Properties object using load() on the given string, and place all the read properties in the result Map.
registerHandler(CmdLineOptions.Handler) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler.
run() - Method in class org.sadun.util.BaseCommand
This method must be overriden by subclasses to implement the command functionality.


setActionOnParse(String, Runnable) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
For non-user defined handlers, set an action to be executed when the option is parsed.
setActionOnParse(Runnable) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
For non-user defined handlers, set an action to be executed when the last created option is parsed.
setAliases(String) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.Handler
Sets the aliases for the option handled by this handler, in comma-separated format.
setAliases(String[]) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.Handler
Sets the aliases for the option handled by this handler.
setAlternativeMandatory(String[], boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Sets/removes the mandatory state of a group of mutually exclusive options, for which already exist handlers, where at least one is mandatory.
setAlternativeMandatory(String[]) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Sets up a group of options, for which already exist handlers, as mutually exclusive and where at least one is mandatory.
setAlternativeMandatoryOnOption(String, String[]) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Specifies that one among the given options set become mandatory only if one option is encountered.
setAlternativeMandatoryOnOption(String, String) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Specifies that one among the given options set become mandatory only if one option is encountered.
setAlternativeMandatoryOnOptions(String, String[]) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Specifies that one among the given options set become mandatory only if one in another set of options is encountered.
setAlternativeMandatoryOnOptions(String, String) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Specifies that one among the given options set become mandatory only if one in another set of options is encountered.
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.ChainedHandler
Sets the description of both the chained handlers.
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.Handler
Set a description for the handled option - which is included in the usage() string.
setDescription(String, String) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Sets the description for a given option.
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Set the description for the last accessed option
setFailOnMixedHelpOptionEncountered(boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Set the value for the 'failOnMixedHelpOptionEncountered' flag.
setFailOnUnrecognizedOption(boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Set the failOnUnrecognizedOption.
setHelpOption(String, boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Set/unset an option as the "help option".
setHelpOption(String) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Set the given option an help option.
setHelpOption() - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
setMandatory(String, boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Set or unset the 'mandatory' state of an option.
setMandatory(String) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Set an option as mandatory.
setMandatory() - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Set the last accessed option as mandatory.
setMandatory(boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Set or unset the 'mandatory' state of the last accessed option.
setMandatoryOnOption(String, String[]) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Specifies that all the options in the given set become mandatory only if one other option is encountered
setMandatoryOnOption(String, String) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Specifies that the given options set are mandatory only if one other option is encountered.
setMandatoryOnOptions(String, String[]) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Specifies that the given options set are mandatory only if one in another set of options is encountered.
setMandatoryOnOptions(String, String) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Specifies that the given options set are mandatory only if one in another set of options is encountered.
setObjectOnOption(String, Object, Object) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable (of Object type) of on the target object when encountered, having the same name as the option.
setObjectOnOption(String, Object) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable (of Object type) of on the target object when encountered, having the same name as the option, and no default value (null).
setObjectOnOption(String, Object, String, Object) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable (of Object type) on the target object when encountered.
setObjectOnOption(String, String, String, Object, String, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable (of Object type) of on the target object when encountered.
setObjectOnOption(String, Object, String, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable (of Object type) of the target object when found (without defining any description nor aliases).
setOnOption(String, Object) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of String type, on the target object when encountered, having the same name as the option.
setOnOption(String, Object, String) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of String type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, Object, String, String) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of String type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, Object, String, boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of boolean primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, Object, String, char) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of char primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, Object, String, byte) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of boolean primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, Object, String, short) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of short primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, Object, String, int) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of int primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, Object, String, long) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of long primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, Object, String, float) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of float primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, Object, String, double) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of double primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, Object, String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of boolean primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, Object, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of boolean primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, Object, String, char, boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of char primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, Object, String, byte, boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of boolean primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, Object, String, short, boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of short primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, Object, String, int, boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of int primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, Object, String, long, boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of long primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, Object, String, float, boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of float primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, Object, String, double, boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of double primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, String, String, Object, String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of boolean primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, String, String, Object, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of boolean primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, String, String, Object, String, char, boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of char primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, String, String, Object, String, byte, boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of boolean primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, String, String, Object, String, short, boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of short primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, String, String, Object, String, int, boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of int primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, String, String, Object, String, long, boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of long primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, String, String, Object, String, float, boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of float primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, String, String, Object, String, double, boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of double primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, String, String, Object, String, String) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of boolean primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, String, String, Object, String, boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of boolean primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, String, String, Object, String, char) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of char primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, String, String, Object, String, byte) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of boolean primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, String, String, Object, String, short) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of short primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, String, String, Object, String, int) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of int primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, String, String, Object, String, long) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of long primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, String, String, Object, String, float) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of float primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, String, String, Object, String, double) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of double primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, String, Object, String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of boolean primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, String, Object, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of boolean primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, String, Object, String, char, boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of char primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, String, Object, String, byte, boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of boolean primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, String, Object, String, short, boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of short primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, String, Object, String, int, boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of int primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, String, Object, String, long, boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of long primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, String, Object, String, float, boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of float primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, String, Object, String, double, boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of double primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, String, Object, String, String) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of boolean primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, String, Object, String, boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of boolean primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, String, Object, String, char) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of char primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, String, Object, String, byte) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of boolean primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, String, Object, String, short) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of short primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, String, Object, String, int) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of int primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, String, Object, String, long) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of long primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, String, Object, String, float) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of float primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setOnOption(String, String, Object, String, double) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Registers an handler which sets a member variable of double primitive type on the target object when encountered.
setPrintUsageOnException(boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
setPriority(int) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.Handler
Set the priority of the handler.
setPriority(String, int) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Set the priority for a given option.
setPriority(int) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Set the priority for the last accessed option
setSortUsageOnPriority(boolean) - Static method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Set whether or not options are sorted also considering priority (besides alphabetical order) when CmdLineOptions.usage() is called.
setValuesOnOptions(String, String, Object, String) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Sets the same member with different values when different options are encountered.
setValuesOnOptions(String[], String[], Object, String) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Sets the same member with different values when different options are encountered.
setValuesOnOptions(String, Object, String) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
An overload for setValuesOnOptions() for String target members, that uses the option literals themselves as option values.
setValuesOnOptions(String[], Object, String) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
An overload for setValuesOnOptions() for String target members, that uses the option literals themselves as option values.
size() - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.Handler.ParamSet
Return the number of parameters.


toString() - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.Handler.ParamSet
Return a string representation of the parameters.
toString() - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.Handler
Return a description of the handler.


usage() - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Creates an usage string by combining the usage description provided at construction (if any) and the descriptions/aliases of every option.
usageString() - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions.OptionException
useDefaultProperties(Properties) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
useDefaultPropertyFile(File, boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Read the properties file containing the defaults.
useDefaultPropertyFile(File) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Read the properties file containing the defaults.
useDefaultPropertyFile(String, boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Set the properties file containing the defaults.
useDefaultPropertyFile(String) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Set the properties file containing the defaults.
useDefaultStream(InputStream, CmdLineOptions.DefaultsStreamParser) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
useDefaultXMLFile(File, boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Read the XML file containing the defaults.
useDefaultXMLFile(File) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Read the XML file containing the defaults.
useDefaultXMLFile(String, boolean) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Set the XML file containing the defaults.
useDefaultXMLFile(String) - Method in class org.sadun.util.CmdLineOptions
Set the XML file containing the defaults.


Copyright © 1999-2004 Cristiano Sadun. This software is released under GPL.